Our Story

A penchant for travel and a natural curiosity about the people and communities of India set us thinking of starting something new in the travel and hospitality sector. We had experienced the concept of a bed-and-breakfast while living and travelling in the UK and Europe and were very keen on exploring this concept in India. It was thus destiny that we came across Copperhill at the right time in our lives that now allows us to explore our passion and bring our dreams to fruition.

We have lived almost our entire lives in various urban settings. Inspired by the soulful voice of Louis Armstrong singing ‘What a wonderful world’, we were very eager to embrace country life and adapt to a gentler pace of life. We have not been disappointed.

On the other hand, each day that we spend amidst the cool and salubrious surroundings at Copperhill and indeed in Coorg unravels new experiences for us. This is what we endeavour to expose you to when you come to stay with us – listening to the wind rustling through the trees, the pitter-patter of rain hammering the leaves and the rooftops of our buildings, the heady fragrance of coffee flowers and seasonal flowers mixed in the pure air of Coorg that you will most delightedly draw a lungful of, the loud chattering of various birds that have built their homes in Copperhill and the almost incessant ringing of cicadas are just some of the things that will open your senses to our wonderful world.

We are fortunate to have a wonderful team and an excellent location and are together enthusiastic about providing a truly memorable experience for you during your stay with us.
